1th Hamburg Fleet of Hope
Under the patronage of the CSH – Sail away with the first "Hamburg Fleet of Hope"!
For the first time, the ‚Hamburg Fleet of Hope’, founded by nonprofit organization sunshine4kids e.V., set sails in summer 2019. On board five sailing yachts were 18 children between 12 and 16 years old, who have a heavy personal destiny to bear. Cancers, familial tragedies or other traumatic experiences burden the children and enormously. The City Sporthafen Hamburg e.V. took over the patronage and actively supported the planning and operation of this charity sailing campaign.
Chairman Eduard von Allwörden personally said goodbye to the young sailors in the Hamburg City Marina and wished them all the best. An eventful sailing trip led the crews on the Elbe to Glückstadt. Back in the guest marina of Hamburg, the kids joined a colorful program, including musical visit, harbor cruise and a sailing course on Hamburg's city lake ‚Außenalster’. Some of the teenagers discovered sailing as a passion for themselves.
Together with sunshine4kids e.V. and an extensive team of helpers, skippers and sponsors we could offer the kids an unforgettable experience. The ‚Hamburg Fleet of Hope’ will be back in Hamburg in 2020 and the CSH is looking forward to a great sailing event with many happy kids.